Purchasing and rehabilitating troubled properties across the Midwest, assisting property owners and improving communities in the process.
Celebrating 10 Years in Business!
Hungate Real Estate Ventures, LLC
2405 Essington Rd, STE B-437
Joliet, IL 60435
800-510-8850 - Phone
info@HRE-Ventures.com - Email
How does the selling process work?
Just call or complete the form below for a free no obligation evaluation. Initially, we will just be gathering some basic information about your property, including any title issues that may need to be resolved. The next step would be a brief property visit and inspection. After that, we will typically have an offer for you within 48 hours. Should you chose to accept our offer (and you will not face any pressure to do so), we can close (complete the transaction) at a time and place that is most convenient for you or best suits your needs. You will not be asked to perform any repairs or pay anything at all out of pocket.
How do you determine your offer price?
We are a business and need to purchase at a price where we have an opportunity to make a profit, but we also try to be fair. It is never our goal to pay as little as possible for a property. We will carefully evaluate a property and offer what we think it is worth, or at least what it is worth to us, taking into account all of the costs, risks, and time and effort involved in purchasing, rehabbing, and reselling.
Are you wholesalers?
No. We actually purchase the properties. What most do not realize is that the vast majority of the "we buy houses" people do not actually buy houses. Instead, they are wholesalers, which means they put properties under contract and then seek to find an end buyer while earning a spread or fee. Essentially they are middlemen. This is bad for home sellers because (1) wholesalers deduct their desired fee from the offer price and (2) they typically put all of the risk on the seller by inserting "weasel clauses" into their contracts that allow them to walk away with impunity if they are unable to find an end buyer, which can be a disaster for someone needing to sell on a strict timeline. So, always ask to see proof of funds from any "cash buyer" and make sure they are an actual buyer before signing anything.
What if my property has already been sold at tax lien sale or my mortgage company has already foreclosed?
Depending on your location, properties can typically be redeemed (taxes paid and ownership restored) for a certain period of time after a tax lien sale and mortgages can typically be brought current and "reinstated" up to the date of the auction. If you give us a call, we should be able to help you determine the status of your property.
Can you help me save my property?
If you have a property that is about to be lost that you are trying to save or keep, we encourage you to explore all legitimate available options. If it is a mortgage foreclosure, look into available government programs or try to work something out with the lender. If it is a tax foreclosure, contact the county and inquire about any available options. However, beware of those who offer high-interest loans or too good to be true offers to "save" or "rescue" your property. Too many fall victim to various types of foreclosure rescue scams. Our business is simply purchasing and rehabilitating properties. Not creating false hope by making false promises. However, selling a property can be an effective way to avoid foreclosure, put cash in your pocket, and prevent further damage to your credit. Oftentimes there are underlying reasons why a property becomes at risk. Sometimes beginning a new chapter really is the best option.
What if I have already abandoned my property?
Unless you have a clear agreement transferring ownership, walking away from a property can be a very bad decision. When you walk away from a property, you are not walking away from your liability. The property has to change hands for responsibility to change hands. If the lien holders do not foreclose, or take ownership (and they are under no obligation to do so), you remain fully liable for taxes, municipal upkeep requirements, possible injuries, etc. And vacant properties tend to deteriorate very rapidly, magnifying potential liability. If you do have such a property, or are unsure of the status of a property, we can help you sort matters out and, if possible, purchase the property from you, relieving you of further responsibility.
What if I inherited a property, but probate was never completed?
Formal probate proceedings are not required in all jurisdictions, particularly if a certain amount of time has elapsed. Time can also be a friend with regards to liabilities of an estate. Even if you were told before you could not sell, or that your interest had no value, the situation may have changed. We will provide a free analysis of the situation, and if it makes sense to move forward, assist you with the process at no cost. We can make it a lot easier and less time consuming than you may think.
What if I inherited a partial interest in an estate and the other heirs are not interested in selling or are not being cooperative?
We have experience in bringing parties to the table. A cash offer from a legitimate buyer has a way of getting attention and gaining cooperation. Furthermore, we will cover all costs related to the transaction and do whatever we can to make the entire process as simple and convenient as possible for everyone involved. For example, in cases where heirs are spread out across the country, we will send the documents to them. 15 minutes of their time is usually all that it takes. And even if we are not able to gain cooperation from all heirs, we still may be willing to purchase your interest in the estate alone and then settle the matter through probate.
Are you an attorney or law firm?
We are not attorneys and do not offer legal services or advice. However, we do regularly work with attorneys in resolving title issues. And we would be more than happy to work with your attorney concerning the sale of your property.